Fanaticism for your goals - How to Achieve Goals?

Fanaticism: a way to reach your goals

How to reach your mighty goals? In fact, many of the greatest discoveries and movements in our world have been driven by the passion and dedication of individuals who were often considered fanatics by modern standards. These individuals possessed a relentless drive to pursue their dreams and ideas, often at the expense of their own health and well-being.

Take for example, Thomas Edison. He is known for his invention of the light bulb, but many people don't know that he tried thousands of different materials before finding the right one to use for the filament in his bulb. He worked tirelessly for years, often staying up all night and subsisting on very little food, in his pursuit of this invention.

However, while this level of fanaticism may not be necessary for everyone, it is possible to develop a sense of absolute faith and determination in oneself without sacrificing one's health and well-being. By working with our consciousness, we can create an unwavering belief in our ability to achieve our goals and desires.

One way to develop this type of fanaticism is through visualization and mental conditioning. It is essential to set clear goals, tasks, or desires, and then focus intensely on them, without getting distracted by other things.

How to Achieve Goals?

For example, let's say that your goal is to start a successful business. Rather than just thinking about it in a vague and general sense, you can develop a clear and detailed mental image of what your business will look like. You can visualize yourself running the business, interacting with customers, and achieving your financial goals. You can even create a physical representation of your business, such as a vision board or a collage, that you can look at every day.

Once you have this mental image in place, you can begin to focus all of your energy and attention on it. You can visualize yourself taking the necessary steps to make your business a reality, such as finding investors, developing a marketing plan, and hiring employees. You can also imagine the joy and satisfaction that you will feel once your business is up and running.

The key to success is to make this mental conditioning a daily habit. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your goal and feeling the emotions associated with achieving it. Over time, this will help to reprogram your subconscious mind and shift your thoughts and behaviors in a way that is aligned with your goal.

It's important to note that developing this type of fanaticism does not mean neglecting other aspects of your life. It's important to maintain balance and take care of your physical and emotional well-being. However, by channeling your energy and focus into a specific goal or desire, you can achieve incredible things and make your dreams a reality.

Developing fanaticism is all about creating a clear and detailed mental image of your desired outcome, and then focusing all of your energy and attention on it. By visualizing yourself achieving your goal, and feeling the emotions associated with that achievement, you can reprogram your subconscious mind and shift your thoughts and behaviors in a way that is aligned with your goal. While this level of dedication and focus may not be necessary for everyone, it is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality. 

It is quite easy to develop fanatical feelings in ourselves and, most importantly, it does not particularly interfere with us in ordinary life. It's just that instead of constant dialogues with yourself about nothing, you finally start thinking about something you really need. Instead of a silly discussion with yourself about the appearance of others or a new Pepsi advertisement, you finally started thinking about the right things. Your thoughts are absorbed by the goal and it is achieved.

Sea and mountains


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