Will Power Definition - Your Will to Power

What is Will Power?

I would like to discuss the incredible power of will and its amazing properties. In this article, we won't be discussing ordinary things or "strong-willed qualities." Instead, we will explore and learn how to create within ourselves that feeling of unyielding will that guides us from within.

Firstly, true will is based deep within a person and doesn't depend on external qualities. It is the feeling of inevitability of what is happening in your life, the same "higher will." This will is not based outside of us, but inside. I will teach you how to channel this power within yourself.

Our consciousness is unable to maintain normal life activity independently, which is why our entire life is ruled by the unconscious. However, the Will (with a capital letter) is not even based in the unconscious. It is something stronger than our momentary desires and creates the direction of our life.

We can all feel the activity of this part of us. To access it, we need to free our minds from excess, calm the obnoxious chatter in our head, and then we will feel the will like a current. Even then, there may be a feeling that this current is moving from the outside, but it is directed from the inside.

Your Will to Power

The will is guided by our desires and intentions. Many things in our life sometimes turn out as we need, without any involvement. It is believed that this is all "the will of chance," but accidents can suddenly turn out exactly as they should. Furthermore, everything bad in our life (and far from the fact that it is bad) develops in the same way and is actually also directed by us. We can inform our will of our needs through a dialogue with it, and everything in our life is dictated by the same dialogue, which we often conduct unconsciously and sometimes carelessly.

The fact that you are reading this article speaks to the participation of the will in your life. It wants you to consciously manage it and life in general.

Strong emotions in relation to our desires create doubts, a string of dialogues with ourselves, and even fear. You must be firm in your intention, and only then will the will perceive it as a signal for action. Detachment is also necessary, emotional remoteness in relation to our desires. When our desires come true, nothing will change inside us. Of course, the attitude of others will change, but the more we think about it, the more we will interfere with ourselves. No one will die if the wish does not come true, but eventually, everyone dies, so we shouldn't take it too seriously.

After realizing the above facts, we can create the necessary image of what we want. We should not explain it in words; it's easy. If it doesn't work, we can look at pictures. The will, like the subconscious, does not understand language very well. We observe the image we need and realize the lack of emotions for it. After all, by and large, we don't care about all this. It doesn't matter if it comes true or not. The end is the same for everyone.

Will Power in your life

To communicate with the Will, you need to have a dialogue with it. This dialogue will help you to better understand yourself, your needs, and your intentions. You can start by having a conversation with your Will every day, for example, during meditation or before going to sleep.

During this dialogue, you can ask your Will for guidance and support in achieving your goals. You can also express your doubts and fears and ask for help in overcoming them. Remember to always be honest with yourself and with your Will.

The Will is not a magical force that will make all your dreams come true. It is a tool that you can use to achieve your goals, but it requires effort and persistence on your part. You need to be willing to put in the work and take action towards your goals.

Now we move onto the main thing. Enter a trance state, no matter how you do it. You can meditate, use holotropic breathwork, a charcot shower, or even ask your neighbor to set an alarm clock with a sharp melody for an unexpected time. We are in a trance state on average 10 times a day, and we just need to take advantage of this state. Once we enter it, we feel the flow and direct it to our image, without words and unnecessary thoughts. We don't need to persuade ourselves; everything happens easily. Once, we didn't even know how to walk or which muscles to strain to take a step. And now it's as easy as breathing. And you don't think about it anymore. And it's also simple here. Take a step, direct the current. Repeat until one day you feel that the current has shifted. EVERYTHING belongs to you!

Your Will can create a world!


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