Life psychology - how to deal with life?

Life psychology - how to deal with life?

Life psychology seems to be complicated, and how can we deal with life? I've decided to dedicate this article to the attitude of a person towards their life during specific moments. Although the "zebra" concept in a person's life is well-known, I prefer the concept of a sine wave since its graph changes over time (up and down) with a certain period, growth, and so on, fully satisfying the requirements of a simplified model of our attitude towards life in general.

The concept's essence is not that our life moves along the sine wave of emotions, but that our attitude towards it changes over time. This is a natural process that can be controlled. Below, I explain how it works and what the problem of our attitude towards life is.

Life psychology: our common mistake.

This myth in our head is terrible in its consequences. We all believe to a greater or lesser extent that most of our emotions are caused by external factors such as the attitude of others, financial situation, the presence of a loved one, and so on.

I won't reveal a big secret by saying that this is not the case. We all know stories about people who, during periods of illness or in connection with taking illegal drugs, changed their attitude to life, sometimes dramatically. For example, a person with a brain tumor can rejoice in any events that occur, which is not even so bad for them. You probably remember how wonderful the birds sang and as if the whole world smiled at you when you were in love. All these scientific phenomena repeat one thing - any sensations are dictated by the internal state of a person much more than by external factors.

How to deal with life?

It is not my task to consider the effect of hormones and other substances on the human brain in medical terms. If you are interested, read it on Wikipedia. My task is to teach you how to use the hidden mechanisms of our brain, for which you do not need to know what a substance is called for them to work. Just like how you do not have to think about which hand muscles to shorten to scroll through this article.

In the life of any of us, there are both ups and downs. However, we cannot predict what this will result in because falls are many times more useful than any ups when viewed objectively from the outside. We should greet with cries of joy any troubles happening to us. However, in most cases, this is not the case. Let us consider a simple example: let us say you saw that your favorite trousers got dirty. In a bad mood, this can cause a frankly emotional explosion, become the last straw, leading to depression. In a good mood, you will have an extra reason to laugh at your clumsiness and maybe even buy new trousers. The same conclusion is true for any event that happens to you. The question is that depending on your current state on the emotion curve, you react differently to events.

The greatest positive response of your emotions occurs with a sharp rise in the curve. It is caused by a change in your attitude, for example, when changing your social status. All the problems that previously worried you are not worth a damn now. A sharp descent also causes a change in your attitude, and you are surprised at yourself. After all, you used to worry about such trifles, and now, when everything is much worse, you cannot even understand yourself.

A change in the oscillation period of the sine wave to a plane higher or lower causes the strongest emotional response (displacement of the entire curve when adding a coefficient, mathematically speaking). Fluctuations occur all the same and with the same frequency. Homeless people experience the same joy when they find a coin on the asphalt as you do when you find a client who promises billions to your company.

Previously, I believed that a person needs to raise the whole curve for themselves, through growth in social terms, financial opportunities, and they should strive for this. Now, having understood the whole background of this phenomenon, I know that the rise of the curve in the plane can be done by willpower and self-adjustment. And you can always talk about my wrongness or vice versa about paradise in a hut, but that's how it works. Turn your gaze into yourself, and the external will be attached. And I will tell you the tools and techniques that will help you with this. After all, it has long been no secret that a person's external environment begins to change under the influence of his inner world.

Ruling your life


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