Dreams and Desires - How to have desired dreams?

Dreams and Desires - the stronger is desire - the less dreams come true.

Dreams and Desires - How to have desired dreams? How can our desire be harmful for our dreams and why?

In this article, we won't discuss our fleeting desires that hinder the realization of our dreams. This is one of the biggest mistakes we make as humans. Since childhood, we have been taught to be modest, control our impulses, and not give in to momentary desires. We are told to pursue our cherished dreams even if it means taking the hard road. However, often, we realize that the dream was not worth the sacrifices, and we end up disappointed.

Dreams and Desires - How to have desired dreams?

We all know that setting goals for ourselves is essential. In this article, I will teach you how to set your goals correctly, explain common mistakes people make when setting their goals, and how to avoid losing motivation.

Firstly, remember that your goals should be several times higher than what you think you need. It is similar to sports - if an athlete aims for the top five, they may reach it. But if they aim for the top ten, they will likely end up at the bottom. Similarly, your life goals should be specific and have a bit of fanaticism. Many people dream of becoming rich without any clarity as to why or what exactly they want. This is not the right approach. Let's say you want a promotion in your department. Your goal should be to become the CEO or even the owner of the company. Break down your plans, set tasks, study hard, and be fanatical about your goal. Visualize what you want to achieve, why you want it, and even whom it will impress. Then, your whole journey towards the goal will gain meaning, discipline, and purpose, making it more effective, and potentially exceeding your initial goal.

Dreams and Desires - get control of desire - dream comes true:

Now that you know what you want, let me explain how to achieve it. Often, it is not fleeting desires that distract us from our goals, but the goal itself, if it is too strong. It is essential not only to control your emotions but to detach from the goal after setting it. Always remember that if you fail, life will not get worse, and nothing will happen to you. Treat failures and successes with the same calmness. Keep your focus on your aspiration and let it guide you towards your goal. Any emotions, even positive ones, create doubts that you need to overcome by disciplining your mind. You can learn more about this in next articles.

Dreams are ruined by desire


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