
Showing posts from March, 2023

Out-of-Body Experiences and the Nature of Reality

Out-of-Body Experience - is it real? One phenomenon that highlights the subjectivity of reality is the out-of-body experience. Some individuals achieve out-of-body experiences through deep meditation or self-hypnosis, others may experience them spontaneously or on the brink of sleep. Many people claim to have had such experiences, where they feel like they have traveled to the astral plane, performed miracles, and so on. There are many different ways to achieve an out-of-body experience, but they are often difficult to achieve in a normal state of consciousness. Some people use deep meditation, while others achieve it at the moment of falling asleep, on the verge between sleep and awareness. However, it is also possible that these experiences are simply dreams. It is often said that reality is objective, but is it really? The truth is, reality is subjective, and it is a matter of faith. Our perception of the world is largely dependent on the state of our consciousness. In fact, the wa

Fanaticism for your goals - How to Achieve Goals?

Fanaticism: a way to reach your goals How to reach your mighty goals? In fact, many of the greatest discoveries and movements in our world have been driven by the passion and dedication of individuals who were often considered fanatics by modern standards. These individuals possessed a relentless drive to pursue their dreams and ideas, often at the expense of their own health and well-being. Take for example, Thomas Edison. He is known for his invention of the light bulb, but many people don't know that he tried thousands of different materials before finding the right one to use for the filament in his bulb. He worked tirelessly for years, often staying up all night and subsisting on very little food, in his pursuit of this invention. However, while this level of fanaticism may not be necessary for everyone, it is possible to develop a sense of absolute faith and determination in oneself without sacrificing one's health and well-being. By working with our consciousness, we can

Will Power Definition - Your Will to Power

What is Will Power? I would like to discuss the incredible power of will and its amazing properties. In this article, we won't be discussing ordinary things or "strong-willed qualities." Instead, we will explore and learn how to create within ourselves that feeling of unyielding will that guides us from within. Firstly, true will is based deep within a person and doesn't depend on external qualities. It is the feeling of inevitability of what is happening in your life, the same "higher will." This will is not based outside of us, but inside. I will teach you how to channel this power within yourself. Our consciousness is unable to maintain normal life activity independently, which is why our entire life is ruled by the unconscious. However, the Will (with a capital letter) is not even based in the unconscious. It is something stronger than our momentary desires and creates the direction of our life. We can all feel the activity of this part of us. To access

How Does Mental Health Affect Physical Health - Emotional Health

How Does Mental Health Affect Physical Health? Mental health and physical health are deeply interconnected. Many people assume that physical health is only related to bodily functions, and mental health is only concerned with emotions and thoughts. However, research has shown that mental health issues can significantly impact physical health, and vice versa. In this article, we will explore how mental health affects physical health and emotional well-being. Let's discuss how mental health affects physical health. Research suggests that people with mental health conditions have a higher risk of developing physical health problems. For instance, people with depression have a higher likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. Additionally, mental health issues can increase the risk of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and cancer. The reason behind this is that mental health issues can affect the immune system, making individuals more vulnerab

Dreams and Desires - How to have desired dreams?

Dreams and Desires - the stronger is desire - the less dreams come true. Dreams and Desires - How to have desired dreams? How can our desire be harmful for our dreams and why? In this article, we won't discuss our fleeting desires that hinder the realization of our dreams. This is one of the biggest mistakes we make as humans. Since childhood, we have been taught to be modest, control our impulses, and not give in to momentary desires. We are told to pursue our cherished dreams even if it means taking the hard road. However, often, we realize that the dream was not worth the sacrifices, and we end up disappointed. Dreams and Desires - How to have desired dreams? We all know that setting goals for ourselves is essential. In this article, I will teach you how to set your goals correctly, explain common mistakes people make when setting their goals, and how to avoid losing motivation. Firstly, remember that your goals should be several times higher than what you think you need. It is