Trance definition. Why do I go into a trance?

Trance definition. Self induced trance.

Trance is a mental state where an individual's consciousness is altered, leading to a decreased awareness of their surroundings and an increased focus on internal experiences. It is characterized by a state of deep relaxation, heightened suggestibility, and a disconnection from the normal waking state of consciousness. The trance state is an inherent aspect of the human mind. It is a brief moment when time seems to stand still for our consciousness and allows our subconscious to come to the forefront. This state can be triggered by sudden loud noises or unexpected actions from our external environment. In such moments, our consciousness is momentarily overwhelmed and fades away, allowing our subconscious to take over. This phenomenon has been utilized by NLP practitioners and certain sects to instill new ideas and beliefs in individuals.

Unfortunately, the subconscious mind lacks critical thinking, and this makes it vulnerable. However, we can learn to manage this state to our advantage.

Scientists believe that we all experience a trance state at some point every day. By recognizing these moments, we can take control of them and become more effective. For example, when a seasoned driver surrenders to the power of their favorite music while driving, they react instinctively and make the right decisions without thinking. We can consciously invoke this state and use it to our advantage.

Trance definition. Why do I go into a trance?

It is also essential to learn how to resist the trance state when we need to. We must teach ourselves not to react to external stimuli. When someone taps us on the shoulder from behind, our first thought should be not to react, but to look around and assess the situation. In a work setting, we can minimize the impact of others by managing our trance state.

The trance state is a natural part of our consciousness. By learning to recognize and manage it, we can become more effective and avoid being manipulated by others. Remember, the key is to take control and not let external influences govern our actions.


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