Stop internal monologue

 Stop internal monologue - find the real control in your life

Internal monologue (or inner monologue) is totally spread among people. Somebody can try to deny it, but, in fact these people are liars. However, it doesn't matter. Our life doesn't depend on monologues in pur head.

It is no secret that our subconscious controls our actions, and our conscious mind merely adjusts the reasons for those actions. Scientists have repeatedly proven that our conscious mind can even deceive us. Despite this fact, we continue to turn a blind eye to it and deceive ourselves because we like to do so.

Based on this concept, we conclude that if we want to influence our lives directly, we need to influence our subconscious. Carlos Castaneda, while studying with an Indian, discovered a little-known truth that the key to creating a sustainable intention in life lies in stopping the internal monologue. Our conscious mind is like a chatterbox, inventing complete nonsense. For example, we might see a nice suit in a shop window and immediately start imagining how good it would look on our ex-boyfriend from three years ago, who we don't even know the whereabouts of anymore. These empty dreams about things that will never come true do nothing positive for us.

Stopping the internal monologue means achieving a state of silence inside. It is achieved by a conscious effort of the will and can be helped by music without lyrics or the sound of the surf. Whatever you imagine in this state will come true. This has been verified by many people, not just by me.

Internal monologue alternative

Our subconscious mind is too ancient to understand words. It must be addressed directly by images. For example, if you want to save up for a trip, you can hang beautiful photos of the place you want to visit by your bed. Your subconscious understands what you want from it and acts accordingly. All it takes is a little effort and a little time.

Stopping the internal dialogue and using images to communicate with the subconscious is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. The subconscious mind is responsible for our habits and behavior, and by influencing it, we can change our lives for the better.

However, achieving a state of silence inside and communicating with the subconscious through images requires practice and effort. It is not something that can be achieved overnight. It takes time and dedication to retrain our minds to work in this way.


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