
Showing posts from February, 2023

Daily rituals - Ritual Examples to use in everyday life

Daily rituals are essentially actions that may seem meaningless on the surface but have the power to bring a particular state of mind and attitude that is essential at the moment. Earlier, in my previous articles, I promised to provide you with the tools to work on your life directly, and one of them is rituals. In reality, we all have plenty of rituals in our daily lives, some of which are beneficial, while others are inherently negative. Therefore, it is crucial to choose them wisely to set ourselves up correctly. Something familiar can be a great example of your ritual: most people brush their teeth and wash every day, and if they fail to do so, they feel uncomfortable. Interestingly, this feeling is not physiological, but psychological. While some people do not perform these actions and still feel fine, these actions become our daily rituals. Daily rituals - how to use? Rituals are a powerful tool that can help you achieve success in your daily life. Whether it's improving your

Life psychology - how to deal with life?

Life psychology - how to deal with life? Life psychology seems to be complicated, and how can we deal with life? I've decided to dedicate this article to the attitude of a person towards their life during specific moments. Although the "zebra" concept in a person's life is well-known, I prefer the concept of a sine wave since its graph changes over time (up and down) with a certain period, growth, and so on, fully satisfying the requirements of a simplified model of our attitude towards life in general. The concept's essence is not that our life moves along the sine wave of emotions, but that our attitude towards it changes over time. This is a natural process that can be controlled. Below, I explain how it works and what the problem of our attitude towards life is. Life psychology: our common mistake. This myth in our head is terrible in its consequences. We all believe to a greater or lesser extent that most of our emotions are caused by external factors such as

Lucid Dreams Definition - Are lucid dreams real?

Lucid Dreams Definition - Are lucid dreams real? Lucid Dreams Definition: Lucid dreaming, the phenomenon in which a person becomes aware that they are dreaming and can control the events of their dream, has fascinated scientists, artists, and philosophers for centuries. I'm going to write here about spiritualistic opinion about lucid dreams and some scientific researches. Carlos Castaneda - Are lucid dreams real? Carlos Castaneda was a controversial writer and anthropologist who gained notoriety in the 1960s and 1970s for his books on shamanism and spirituality. Among his many claims was the assertion that lucid dreaming was not only possible but that it was a key aspect of the shamanic path. Castaneda's writings on lucid dreaming, while controversial, have had a lasting impact on the way that many people view the practice today. Castaneda's first book, "The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge," was published in 1968 and chronicled his experiences with

Trance definition. Why do I go into a trance?

Trance definition. Self induced trance. Trance is a mental state where an individual's consciousness is altered, leading to a decreased awareness of their surroundings and an increased focus on internal experiences. It is characterized by a state of deep relaxation, heightened suggestibility, and a disconnection from the normal waking state of consciousness. The trance state is an inherent aspect of the human mind. It is a brief moment when time seems to stand still for our consciousness and allows our subconscious to come to the forefront. This state can be triggered by sudden loud noises or unexpected actions from our external environment. In such moments, our consciousness is momentarily overwhelmed and fades away, allowing our subconscious to take over. This phenomenon has been utilized by NLP practitioners and certain sects to instill new ideas and beliefs in individuals. Unfortunately, the subconscious mind lacks critical thinking, and this makes it vulnerable. However, we ca

No Inner Monologue - Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan

No Inner Monologue - Carlos Castaneda Carlos Castaneda was an anthropologist and author who gained fame in the 1960s and 70s for his books about his experiences with a Yaqui Indian shaman named Don Juan Matus. One of the key teachings of Don Juan was the practice of stopping the inner monologue, or the constant stream of thoughts that runs through our minds. Castaneda wrote extensively about the importance of stopping the inner monologue in his books, including "Journey to Ixtlan" and "Tales of Power." According to Castaneda, the inner monologue is the source of our constant chatter, worries, and fears, and it prevents us from experiencing the present moment fully. By stopping the inner monologue, we can enter a state of heightened awareness and clarity, which can lead to profound insights and personal growth. No Inner Monologue - How? So, how can we stop the inner monologue? Castaneda and Don Juan recommended a variety of techniques, including: Focusing on the brea

Stop internal monologue

  Stop internal monologue - find the real control in your life Internal monologue (or inner monologue) is totally spread among people. Somebody can try to deny it, but, in fact these people are liars. However, it doesn't matter. Our life doesn't depend on monologues in pur head. It is no secret that our subconscious controls our actions, and our conscious mind merely adjusts the reasons for those actions. Scientists have repeatedly proven that our conscious mind can even deceive us. Despite this fact, we continue to turn a blind eye to it and deceive ourselves because we like to do so. Based on this concept, we conclude that if we want to influence our lives directly, we need to influence our subconscious. Carlos Castaneda, while studying with an Indian, discovered a little-known truth that the key to creating a sustainable intention in life lies in stopping the internal monologue. Our conscious mind is like a chatterbox, inventing complete nonsense. For example, we might see a